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What if the only
wrong choice
when it comes
to considering divorce
is making
no choice at all?

I’ve been where you are before.

Believing that the day in day out suffering isn’t that bad.

Playing the victim and martyr to my kids and husband.

Sacrificing myself and my wants because I believed it was noble and admirable.

Watching myself live a half-life where I was never all in or all out.

Being content with surviving each day and making other people happy.

But my soul finally put its foot down, and I knew that if I continued giving my body to my husband and kids but not my heart and soul, I wasn’t gonna make it through the next 20 years.

A soul can only be starved for so long.

The journey I took to come back to myself rocked my world and changed everything.

And although my life looks nothing like I would have ever imagined when I was young, I am by far more joyful and centered than I have ever been before.  

I know that all of this is available to you.

You think the answer lies in your final decision of whether to stay or go, and that is absolutely where we’re headed, but the real magic lies in the journey you will go through to make that decision.

In who you will become.

And I am the coach to help you get there.

It's time for you to...

Go all in on Yourself.
There is no one more important than you. You are the engine for your life.
Change Your Life
This is it. Your one life. You get to decide what the journey looks like.
Live Bigger and Bolder than you Ever Have Before.
Own your wants. Allow your dreams. Make a life you want to wake up to every single morning.
Finally Decide if you Want to Stay or Go
No more half-in half-out just trying to get through the day. Learn your reasons, love them, and make the decision.
Move Forward Without Regret
No matter what you choose, stay or go, you have your back and make the future better than anything in your past.
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You don’t have to stay trapped in a marriage you don’t love or feel terrified of leaving.

You can leave and be happy or you can stay and be happy.

The only wrong choice is wasting your one precious life by staying in indecision. 

There is a way forward and it’s not as complicated as you think.

I’ve been where you are before, and I’m here to guide you.

All of the answers are already inside of you.

Let’s go unlock them.

Click the button below to learn about working with me.